Colourfull lighting RGB, RGBW, or RGBA is great for all areas, where creating interesting and eye-catching installation will enhance the user experience. RGB LED strips are suitable for basic and advertising purpose mainly, with no great requirements on soft and crayons colours lighting. Mixing standard RGB colours all at once will be obtained somehow white colour. However, percepted white colour from RGB system is missing whole protions of white light spectrum, so this solution is absolutely unsuitable for any human or pets.That is where RGBW lighting comes to play : RGBW lightin with separate white channel allows to create and mix colours out of standard RGB colour space, enhancing the colour and soft tones, pleasant even for long term eye usage. White spectrum included in this RGBW system will allow eye to evaluate the colours as less agressive and more pleasant for long term stay.And offcourse, you can use only the White channel for standard interior lighting, that is why we have set the power for White channel to much higher values than the RGB colours, which are normally sufficient with much smaller power.With RGBW and RGB+A (Amber) system you can mix very interesting colours, which normally are not possible to mix out of standard RGB colour space.

LED pás s prúd. drivermi,7.2W/m,24VDC,30xLED/m,del.200mm,12mm,,RGB,IP20

  • Catalog number: MAIN-010092
  • Amount in stock: 127,3 m

20,79 EUR

16,90 EUR (Price, without VAT (sales tax):)

31,86 EUR

25,90 EUR (Price, without VAT (sales tax):)

LED pás s prúd. drivermi,3x2.9W+4.3W/m, 27VDC,2x42LED/m, 12mm,RGB+4000K

  • Catalog number: MAIN-MAS-010139-SSOS
  • Amount in stock: 83,9867 m
PROFI LED pás MASTER s FULLCOLOUR RGB+samostatná biela LED v dekoračnom výkone DECO. Integrované prúdové drivre zaisťujú až 5-ročnú záruku, maximálnu farebnú stabilitu po celej dĺžke LED pásu. Biela spektrum je riešené pomocou samostatnej bielej LED pre zaistenie perfektného bieleho spektra s príjemnými optickými vlastnosťami. Menšia hustota LED čipov je ideálna pre situácia kde nep...

9,72 EUR

7,90 EUR (Price, without VAT (sales tax):)

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