This remarkable MASTER-HighEfficiency LED strips, focused mainly on sculpture lighting or energy efficient lighting is great choice for all projects requiring : Very high luminoux flux LED strip installed and delivered from tiny and cool body of ALU profile or For all Energy efficiency requirement projects focused on super long lifetime of dozens of years. This LED strip series is focused on great stability over long period, and with reduced power requirements to more than 30% when compared to standard products. Thermal footprint on heat elements is more than 50% lower too, details which is very crucial for all sculpture lighting designers and Design Light manufacturers, where excessive heat leads to numerous number of other problems (cooling down excessive heat in office leads to another expenses on cooling the passive buildings etc.).... This LED strip is saving yet 2 times then.
MASTER Highefficiency 24VDC LED strip, 4000K 12mm FCB width, superior efficiency
- Catalog number: MAIN-MAS-010302-OS
- Amount in stock: 347,1497 m
28,68 EUR
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