All products/Podľa typu/Linear lighting/LED strips/MASTER LED strips/HD-DECO - High Density DECOrative LED strips
HD-DECO - High Density DECOrative LED strips
Very very high dense LED strips with DECOrative light output, shaped in 2 rows to increase the lighting width and uniform diffusion in very low profiles where diffusion and uniformity is crucial. El power is pleasant for most decorative installations, and fact that LEDs are sorted in 2 rows makes the segment length incredibly short of only 27mm! LED strips HD-DECO have 10mm width and are safe to be used in very tiny ALU profiles, where their heat is safely distributed even if installed in recessed profiles in furniture etc.Constant current drivers are integrated directly on LED strips, which prolongs its lifetime far behind a 5year standard warranty.
LED pás CC drivers,HighDensity 8,4W,216LED, 24VDC,2700K,CRItyp 85,del.27,7mm,10mm
- Catalog number: MAIN-MAS-014032-OS
- Amount in stock: 224,8289 m
Tento LED pás disponuje malými chybami pri výrobe FCB, ktoré nemajú vplyv na jeho svetelnú funkčnosť - niektoré letovacie plošky v hornej časti LED pásu niesú vďaka prekoveniam do spodnej vrstvy funkčné, preto je nutné pred spájkovaním napájacieho kábla NAJSKOR overiť, či je na mieste plánovaného spoja el. korektný prekov do spodných vrstiev (pripojením napätia na LED pás sa musí ro...
9,48 EUR
7,90 EUR (Price, without VAT (sales tax):)
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