Standardny vykon LED modulu bez preletovaneho jumpra je 3,84W a dosahuje uctyhodnu efektivitu, t.j. dokonca sa uchladi bez akehokolvek chladica. Naviac NTC teplotna regulacia stabilizuje modul na max. 55C, co prispieva ku predlženi zivotnosti. Modul je osadeny na ALU PCB priemeru 31.5mm, hrubka ALU PCB je 1.6mm. IDC konektory umožňujú priamo letovanie na konektor alebo samorezne napojenie vodica 0,14mm2 pomocou IDC7 nastroja. Modul je mozne uchytit skrutkami (+pasta tepelne vodiva) alebo aj priamo nalepenim pomocou tepelne vodivej obojstrannej lepiace podlozky. Modul je PWM stmievatelny priamo po napajacom napati, resp. ma aj externy PWM vstup na stmeivanie z PWM systemu.
Property | Value |
Colour temperature (primary light source) Correlated Colour Temperature CCT (K) of primary light source : is basically a specific numerical measurable definition of light colour of White spectrum according to black body curve (for example 2700K is Warm white Incandescent light, 3000K is wartm white too, but rather of halogene spectrum, but slightly more coldish etc. | 4000 K |
Max. power Voltage | 28 V |
Input Voltage (power supply) | DC CV |
Colour rendering index CRI | 80 |
Light type | WW-Warm White |
Viewing angle | 120 ° |
Dimmable | Yes |
Changeable output parameter | Current |
Light source | LED |
PWM Nie, 8bit, 10bit,15bit,16bit | 8bit |
IN/OUT terminals | Soldering pads |
Expected Lifetime Expected lifetime (L70/B10) extrapolated from LM80 data @10KHod. For LED components like LED strips, LED modules etc. are data valid with additional Heat sinking (@typ. working temperature. | 35000 Hod |
LED chip manufacturer | Osram |
Total el. power | 10,85 W |
Dimming method | PWM |
Installation typology | On heatsink |
Output current | 0 mA |
Nominal reference Lm output | 0 Lm |
Luminous flux | 0 Lm |
nominal reference (test) current | 0 mA |
LED package type | 5060, 3014, 3020, 5050, 2835, 5730, 3528, 5630, 3030, 2020 |
Luminosity | 0 mCd |
Typical power current (power supply) | 0 mA |
Optic | Asymetric, Symetric |
Minimum Voltage | 0 V |
Electrical protection | External NTC thermistor, Polarity protection, Inrush current protection, Over temperature protection, ESD protection <2KV, Short circuit protection, Over Voltage protection, OverPower protection, ConstantPower, Constant Current |
Constant Current Drivers | No |
Typical Power Voltage (power supply) | 0 V |
Max. current allowed | 0 ma |
Enviroment temperature | 0 °C |
Suitable for installation | Wall mounted, Stairway ideal, Floor, Ceiling mounted, Wet and moist areas, Do nábytku |
Max. power dissipation | 0 W |
Middle wavelength | 0 nm |
Cooling of upto | 0 W |
Current (BOOST) Current in BOOST/Enhanced mode | 0 mA |
Luminoux Flux (BOOST) Luminoux flux in BOOST /Enhanced mode | 0 Lm |
El. power (BOOST) El. power in BOOST / Enhanced mode | 0 W |
Features / Additional advantages | Boost Režim, Paralelná kabeláž integrovaná , Konektor, Optika príprava, Možnosť integrácie nap. zdroja, NTC Tepelná ochrana, Inštalácia nalepením, Samorezné IDC napojenie, Negatívny teplotný koeficient, Skrátenie sekcie LED Pásu, Skracovacie pady, Príprava na SYSCON, Prúdové drivre (CC IC), ESD ochrana, Vysoká nosnosť, Farebné značenie DC, Letovatelnosť, ConstaLine, 110V príprava, ZHAGA, Vymeniteľné prvky, Bočný výrez |